Semantic Search for your books

    Find specific parts of your favorite books in seconds. Or understand books with AI chat. Supports EPUBs and PDFs.

    Chat Mode + Quote Mode

    Switch between Chat Mode and Quote Mode. Quote mode retrieves relevant passages. Chat mode uses your chat history to answer questions and generate relevant passages.

    “I often need to find a passage that is relevant to the texts I'm writing, so this is perfect! Every "chat with PDF"-application I tried before was limited to small files or didn't support EPUBs.”

    user avatar
    Maria Hill – Substack Writer

    Find any quote or book section in seconds.

    A better search for book content

    Search through thousands of pages to find exactly what you need.

    Your library, searchable with AI
    Upload PDF (EPUB-support comming soon!) and start searching in seconds.
    Forget annoying keyword search
    Stop wasting hours searching for keywords in your documents.
    Bulk upload books from Apple Books - Coming soon!
    Sign up to get notified when we release this feature.

    Upload and search your first book
    in a few clicks.

    We created a new way to search books to give you instant access to all your content. Chat with your books now!


    Try it out!


    • unlimited file uploads
    • 4MB upload limit
    • limited to 420 pages per file


    Unlimited knowledge retriaval from books and files


    • unlimited messages and files
    • up to 16MB file size
    • up to 1200 pages per file